The following definitions shall apply as used in this Charter:


Ad valorem tax means only the general property tax levied annually on real or personal property listed with the assessor of Adams County, Colorado.


Appropriation means the authorized amount of monetary funds designated for an expenditure during a specified time for a specified purpose, usually as an appropriation of funds in the City budget or amendment thereto.


Board or Commission or Board and Commission means the boards and commissions established by this Charter or ordinances.


C ity means the City of Federal Heights, Colorado.


Clerk means the City Clerk of the City of Federal Heights or such office designation as may be used in place of the office of City Clerk.


Council or City Council means the governing body constituting the City Council of the City, including the Mayor.


Councilmember means each member of the City Council, except the Mayor, except as provided otherwise in this Charter.


Elected Official means the Mayor and each Councilmember, whether elected or appointed.


Emergency ordinance means an ordinance which, in the opinion of the City Council is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public property, health, welfare, peace and safety.


Employee means each compensated person in the service of the City who is designated as an employee in the personnel code or applicable rules and regulations of the City.


Entire Council means all of the members of the Council, including the Mayor, provided for in Article 2.


Franchise means a right conferred by the City (such as to a public utility) to use public property for public use but for private profit.


General election or Statewide general election means the statewide election held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year.


In-camera means in the judge's private chambers or in the courtroom with all spectators and public excluded.


Initiative means the power of the registered electors of the City of Federal Heights to propose to City Council, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter, certain ordinances for adoption by City Council which, if not adopted by Council, shall be submitted to a vote of the registered electors of the City for acceptance or rejection, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.


Manager means the City Manager of the City of Federal Heights appointed by City Council.


Mayor means the Mayor of the City.


Newspaper means a newspaper of general circulation in the City which meets the requirements for a legal newspaper as established in the State statutes.


Notice means that notice may be provided to the public as prescribed by this Charter and/or by ordinance by any or all means and methods of communication.


Officer means the Mayor and each Councilmember.


Ordinance means a permanent law or regulation adopted by legislative action of the City Council pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Charter or by ordinances.


Publication or Posting means:


Publication in a newspaper of general circulation; or


Publication by electronic means and methods; or


In the event of an emergency, or when no such newspaper is available, posting. Anything published by such posting because of an emergency shall subsequently be published in a newspaper of general circulation or published electronically; or


Posting shall be effected by providing written or printed notice in various locations throughout the City as provided by ordinance.


Referendum means the power of the registered electors of the City of Federal Heights to request that City Council reconsider certain ordinances adopted by the Council as provided in this Charter; and, if Council fails to repeal such ordinances, to require that Council submit the referred ordinances to a vote of the registered electors of the City for approval or rejection, in accordance with the provisions of this Charter.


Registered Elector means an elector who has registered in compliance with the provisions for registration to vote as provided in the State statutes.


Regular Election or Regular Municipal Election means a City election held pursuant to Article 5.


Resolution means an expression of an administrative or a ministerial act of Council without any required form or procedure, as distinguished from legislative acts embodied in City ordinances.


Special Election or Special City Election means a City election held at a time other than a regular election.


State Constitution or Colorado Constitution means the Constitution of the State of Colorado, as amended from time to time.


State statutes means the statutes of the State of Colorado, as amended or repealed from time to time.


Treasurer means the City Treasurer of Federal Heights or such office designation as may be used in place of the office of Treasurer.


United States Constitution means the Constitution of the United States of America, as amended from time to time.




We, the undersigned, representing the members of the City of Federal Heights Home Rule Charter Commission, duly elected by the voters of Federal Heights, Colorado, at a special election held on June 19, 2001, to prepare a Home Rule Charter for the City of Federal Heights, do hereby certify that the foregoing is the Proposed Home Rule Charter as finally approved and adopted by the members of the Commission on the 12 th day of October, 2001 for submission to the City council and to the registered electors of the City of Federal Heights.

Signed at Federal Heights, Colorado, the 12 th day of October 2001.

___________________________ ______________________________
Dale Sparks, Chair Shirley Martin, Vice-chair
____________________________ ______________________________
Carol Robinson, Secretary Les Jones, Commissioner
___________________________ ______________________________
Grace Diamond, Commissioner Ted May, Commissioner
___________________________ ______________________________
Scott Briggs, Commissioner Mildred Earley, Commissioner
___________________________ ______________________________
Sharon Richardson, Commissioner Richard Nordberg, Commissioner
___________________________ ______________________________
Wanda Jones, Commissioner Deborah Leon, Commissioner
____________________________ ______________________________
Diane Chipperfield, Commissioner Joyce Thomas, Commissioner
Leslie Troxell, Commissioner


State of Colorado )
County of Adams )


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12 th day of October 2001.

Phyllis Gray
City Clerk
City of Federal Heights, Colorado


Certificate of Receipt by City Clerk

State of Colorado )
County of Adams )


I hereby certify that the above and foregoing document is the Proposed Home Rule Charter, delivered to me by the Federal Heights Home Rule Charter Commission on the 16 th day of October 2001.

Phyllis Gray
City Clerk
City of Federal Heights, Colorado