§ 70-264. Permitted density in R-3 multiple-family residential district.  

Latest version.
  • The following densities may be permitted in the R-3 multiple-family residential district:

    (1) Minimum lot size and setbacks: 13,500 ft.
    a. Additional square feet of lot area for each dwelling unit in excess of four 2,000 ft
    b. Width:
    1. Interior lot 75 ft.
    2. Corner lot 85 ft.
    3. Additional lot frontage for each unit in excess of two on grade level 10 ft.
    c. Depth: 100 ft.
    d. Front yard setback:
    1. Principal building 30 ft.
    2. Accessory buildings 60 ft.
    3. Minimum landscape depth requirement 15 ft.
    4. Maximum width of one-way access or egress through landscaped area 16 ft.
    5. Maximum width of two-way access/egress through landscaped area 26 ft.
    6. Maximum total frontage to be used for access and egress 30 percent
    e. Side yard setback:
    1. Interior lot:
    i. Principal building ½ ft. setback for each 1 ft. of building height with a 20 ft. minimum for each side
    ii. Accessory building ½ ft. setback for each 1 ft. of building height with a 5 ft. minimum for each side
    2. Corner lot setback:
    i. Requirement on side streets 30 ft.
    ii. Principal building 30 ft.
    iii. Accessory buildings 30 ft.
    f. Rear yard setback:
    1. Principal building 20 ft.
    2. Accessory buildings 5 ft.



    Maximum lot coverage (percentage of total lot area):


    Principal building, 40 percent


    Total for all accessory buildings, 20 percent


    Maximum height of buildings:


    Principal building, 40 ft.


    Accessory buildings, 20 ft.


    Minimum floor area (square feet) per unit:


    One-bedroom unit, 500 ft.


    Two-bedroom unit, 650 ft.


    Three-bedroom unit, 800 ft.


    Four-bedroom unit, 950 ft.


    Playground and recreational requirement: For each multiple unit development there shall be a fenced and improved playground or recreational area equaling the greater of 15 percent of the total square footage of the units, or 1,000 square feet; and a landscaped area equal to 100 percent of the total square footage of the units.

(Code 1985, § 10-4-2)