§ 70-542. Fences and retaining walls.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Fence classification.


    Masonry walls.


    Ornamental iron.


    Woven wire.


    Wood picket (more than 50 percent open).


    Solid wood or metal fences (less than 50 percent open).


    Hedges or shrubbery.


    General requirements; all zoning districts.


    No sharp-pointed or electrically charged fences are permitted.


    Retaining walls over three feet in height that are accessible by the general public shall be designed by an architect or civil or structural engineer licensed in the state.


    Retaining walls shall be required whenever the slope of the ground surface exceeds one foot of drop for each three feet of distance on such ground surface. Retaining walls shall be constructed in accordance with all requirements of the city building code.

    Exception: Slopes of two to one are permitted when they are in conformance with section 70-512.


    To preserve sight lines at driveways and corner lots, all fences must be constructed in compliance with the standards and specifications for the design and construction of public improvements.


    Two of the sides of the triangle shall be formed by the boundary lines of each of the respective intersecting streets and the lot, the intersection of each such side of the triangle being 30 feet in length. The base side of the triangle shall cross the lot from the ends of the two sides described above.


    Classes 2 and 3 fences and split-rail fences with two four-inch rails not exceeding a height of 42 inches may, upon approval of the building official, be permitted in this area.


    In R-3, C-1, I-1 and P-1 districts, fences constructed at the edge of parking spaces or if parking spaces are constructed next to fences, wheel stops six inches high shall be installed at a minimum distance of four feet from the fence. Wheel stops shall be securely anchored to the ground.


    Fences erected atop retaining walls shall not exceed a height of six feet from the high side of the grade.


    Fences erected in the required front setback area, or in the required side setback area on the street side of corner lots, may be of any class but shall not exceed a height of 42 inches. Fences erected in other areas may be of any class and shall not exceed a height of six feet.


    Barbed wire is prohibited except by special permit from the city council. The city council may permit the installation of barbed wire to fences after consideration of the land use in the area, general safety provisions, location of public sidewalks and rights-of-way, and aesthetic impact. In addition, permits shall be approved with the following conditions:


    In residential zones barbed wire shall be permitted only to secure designated RV storage areas or public utility facilities and services areas.


    The fence upon which the barbed wire is located must be of sound construction and at least six feet in height.


    No more than four strands of barbed wire measuring no more than 18 inches from the top of the fence to the uppermost strand shall be permitted.


    All wire must be tightly strung with no loose or coiled wire permitted.


    Only standard agricultural-type barbed wire is permitted.


    Barbed wire standards shall not slope over any public right-of-way.


    Fences and retaining walls. All fences and retaining walls shall be in good repair, be structurally sound, in an upright position, and the exterior finish in good repair and free of defect. If the fencing contains slats, all slats must be present and complete in length and the same color.

(Code 1985, § 10-11-4; Ord. No. 10-09, § 17, 7-6-2010; Ord. No. 19-02, § 1, 4-16-2019)