§ 70-510. Application; review procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The following procedure shall apply to all landscape plan applications except those submitted pursuant to section 70-507(3) and (4):


    The applicant shall meet with the city manager or designee at an initial meeting to discuss the general requirements for the landscape plan.


    After this initial meeting, the applicant shall submit to the city manager or designee a submittal for preapplication review to include ten copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, of the written and graphic proposal for distribution to affected city departments.


    The city manager or designee will meet with the applicant for a preapplication meeting within 14 calendar days after the preapplication submittal to discuss the specific application submittal requirements and any issues the city may have based upon the preliminary submittal.


    A complete application to include an application form, fee, proof of ownership or owner's authorization, legal description of property, improvement location certificate or boundary survey, if available, and ten copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, of a 18-inch by 24-inch landscape plan shall be submitted for initial review along with any other submittal requirements as determined by staff during the pre-application review. All department directors shall review the application submittal for completeness within seven calendar days. At the end of this time period, the city manager or designee shall notify the applicant whether the application is accepted as complete. Minimum required margins for all pages of a landscape plan are:

    Left: 2 inches

    Right: ½ inch

    Top: ½ inch

    Bottom: ½ inch


    Where applicable, at the time of application acceptance, the date for the planning and zoning commission consideration shall be scheduled for the next available regularly scheduled meeting, provided that there is sufficient time for review.


    Once the application is accepted, department directors shall review the application and make written comments within 30 calendar days. The city manager or designee shall prepare written comments and shall meet with the applicant to discuss all comments.


    A meeting will be scheduled before the planning and zoning commission where the applicant, staff and any interested parties shall present information for consideration of the plans. The planning and zoning commission shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the landscape plan if the plan is required by section 70-507(1); or forward recommendations to city council if the plan is required by section 70-468(3).


    At least seven calendar days prior to the hearing, 22 copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, of the landscape plan shall be submitted.


    At the meeting, the applicant, staff and any interested parties shall present testimony for consideration.


    The planning and zoning commission's recommendation with respect to landscape plans required by section 70-468(3) shall be forwarded to the city council to be considered concurrently with the application for a conditional use.


    If approved, the applicant shall submit one signed mylar and ten signed copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, and one electronic copy, in a format determined by the city manager or his designee, of the landscape plan to the city manager or designee within 30 calendar days of the approval.


    For landscape plans required by section 70-507(3) and (4), the following procedure shall apply:


    The applicant shall meet with the city manager or designee at an initial meeting to discuss the general requirements for the landscape plan.


    A complete application to include an application form, proof of ownership or owner's authorization, improvement survey or boundary survey if available, and two copies of a 18-inch by 24-inch landscape plan shall be submitted for review. In addition, any copies of any special agreements, conveyances, restrictions, or covenant that will govern the use, maintenance and continued protection of the property shall be required. Minimum required margins for all pages of a landscape plan are:

    Left: 2 inches

    Right: ½ inch

    Top: ½ inch

    Bottom: ½ inch


    The city manager or designee shall review the application within 14 calendar days. At the end of this time period, the city manager or designee shall notify the applicant whether the application is approved, approved with conditions or denied. It is the intent of this administrative review to recognize that flexibility of criteria will be necessary due to the constraints of existing conditions.


    If approved, the applicant shall submit one signed mylar and ten signed copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, and one electronic copy in a format determined by the city manager or his designee, of the landscape plan to the city manager or designee within 30 calendar days of the approval.

(Code 1985, § 10-14-5; Ord. No. 10-06, §§ 8, 9, 4-20-2010)