§ 70-509. Modification of approved landscape plan.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Minor modifications of previously approved landscape plans may be administratively authorized and approved by the city manager or designee, provided that such minor modification meets the standards and criteria established in this article. Modifications other than minor modifications shall be processed and acted upon as new applications for approval of landscape plans.


    The term "minor modifications," for the purposes of this article, shall be defined as any proposed modification which:


    Does not involve a decrease in the total percentage of the approved landscaped area to that below the minimum allowed.


    Does not result in less than the minimum requirement for perimeter or buffer landscaped area.


    Does not result in a change in landscaping materials that are dissimilar in the volume of the original approval.


    A change altering any condition required by the city manager or designee, planning and zoning commission and/or city council.


    Does not involve a change that alters the drainage patterns or grading plans.


    An applicant for a minor modification may appeal the decision of the city manager or designee to the city council by submitting a written request to the city clerk within 14 calendar days of the decision of the city manager or designee, stating reasons why the appeal is requested. Such request shall include 14 copies, or such number and size as determined by the city manager or his designee, of the proposed modifications.

(Code 1985, § 10-14-4)