§ 6-227. Disposition of animals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    If any healthy animal has been impounded for five days after the date said written notice of impoundment was delivered to the animal owner, said date being the date of mailing as shown on the certified mail by which said notice was sent, or has been impounded for five days after the date of the notice of impoundment was available for inspection at the animal shelter and has not been claimed by the owner, said animal shall be deemed abandoned, shall become the property of the city, and shall thereafter either be placed for adoption subject to payment of the impoundment fees and other charges or shall be humanely destroyed and disposed of at the discretion of and in such manner as may be determined by a code enforcement officer.


    In the event an unhealthy or seriously injured animal is impounded and the city, after undertaking a reasonable effort, is unable to ascertain the animal's owner and a veterinarian determines that the condition of said animal is such that a healthy recovery is precluded or that such animal will transmit serious diseases to other animals or persons, then a code enforcement officer shall cause said animal to be humanely destroyed.


    A code enforcement officer shall keep a complete and accurate record of all animals impounded, including the facts regarding the release of or method of disposal of such animals.

(Code 1985, § 6-9-5(11)f)