§ 6-224. Notice of impoundment; registered animals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon the impoundment of any registered animal, where the owner of such animal is known, a code enforcement officer shall as soon as possible notify such owner of said impoundment by telephone and certify, in writing upon a telephone notice form therefor, the date and time when such telephone notice was given and the disposition thereof.


    If the owner cannot be contacted by telephone or if the owner fails to retrieve such animal within 24 hours from the time such owner receives said notice, then a code enforcement officer shall send, by certified mail, written notice of such impoundment to the animal owner's last known address. Notice as provided herein shall not be necessary upon proof that the animal owner has actual notice of the impoundment.

(Code 1985, § 6-9-5(11)c)