§ 58-123. Application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Application for approval of traffic calming devices shall be submitted to the city engineer on forms provided by the city. Within 30 days of receipt of a completed application and payment of a review fee as set by resolution of the city council in accordance with section 1-16, the city engineer shall either deny, approve or conditionally approve an application and so inform the applicant in writing.


    All proposed traffic calming devices must meet all applicable requirements set forth in the standards and specifications for the design and construction of public improvements. Additionally, in reviewing an application, the city engineer shall consider additional factors that include, but are not limited to:


    Existing speed limits, warning signs and other traffic control signs or devices.


    Roadway dimensions and conditions including length and width; type of construction; shoulders or sidewalks; curves, grade, topography, drainage, sight lines and landscaping.


    Proximity to other arterial and collector roadways.


    Road usage information including average and peak use traffic volume, percentage of traffic exceeding posted speed limits, and recent accident history.


    Neighborhood information including the number of businesses, private residences, and the number of residences per mile fronting on the street; proximity of multifamily housing; schools; churches; child day care centers; parks; playgrounds; or facilities utilized by children.


    Impact upon response time and safety of fire and police departments in providing fire, rescue and emergency service.


    Any necessary maps, plans or survey data.


    Traffic engineering guidelines identifying the appropriate type, construction and location of traffic calming device(s) after consideration of the requirements and factors contained herein.

(Code 1985, § 5-14-3; Ord. No. 10-09, § 8, 7-6-2010)