§ 50-105. Streets.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Streets shall bear a logical relationship to topography and to the location of existing or platted streets in adjacent property.


    Streets, utility rights-of-way and public open spaces shall conform to a previously approved plan for the extension of such public facilities.


    Minimum street and right-of-way widths shall conform with the standards and specifications.


    Dead-end streets shall not be more than 400 feet in length with a minimum outside radius of 50 feet at the closed end.


    Streets shall intersect at right angles.


    Half-streets shall normally be prohibited.


    Street grades shall be more than 0.5 percent and less than seven percent.


    Streets shall be leveled to a grade of less than four percent for a distance of at least 100 feet approaching all intersections.


    Street jogs with a centerline offset of less than 125 feet shall not be allowed.


    When streets are in alignment with existing streets, the new streets shall be named according to the streets with which they correspond. Streets which do not fit into an established street naming pattern shall be named in a manner which will not duplicate or be confused with existing street names in the city or elsewhere in the Denver Metropolitan area.


    Lot lines shall be at right angles to the street line or at right angles to the tangent to the curve of the street line.


    Through lots shall not be permitted.


    All lots shall front on a public street or highway.


    Irrigation ditches shall not be permitted on public streets or highways except to cross such public streets or highways.


    The city may require alleys at least 20 feet in width and open at both ends in business districts and at the rear of all lots fronting on major and arterial streets. Where alleys are not required, easements shall be granted or reserved at least five feet in width on each side of all rear lot lines and along sufficient side lot lines where necessary for utility installation and maintenance, including storm sewers or sanitary sewers, gas and water lines and electric service. Where the rear lot line abuts on property outside the subdivision on which there are no easements at least five feet in width, then the easements on the rear lot lines shall be at least ten feet in width.

(Code 1985, § 11-1-4(A)—(O); Ord. No. 10-09, § 6, 7-6-2010)