§ 46-26. Permit fee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Before a permit is issued pursuant to this article, the applicant shall pay to the city a permit fee, which shall be determined in accordance with a fee schedule adopted by resolution of the city council.


    The portion of the permit fee relating to degradation/restoration costs shall be reduced by the city in cases where the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that the proposed excavation, installation, maintenance and repair of facilities will be coordinated with the onsite work of two or more legally and financially unrelated entities. The degradation/restoration cost portion of the permit fee shall be further reduced in cases where the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the director that the excavation to be made will be commenced and completed during the 24 month period immediately prior to the scheduled repaving or resurfacing of a street, as indicated in the most recent edition of the city's repaving plan.


    Any permit for temporary use or occupation of the public rights-of-way, where there is no construction involved, shall not require payment of a degradation fee as part of the permit fee.


    An applicant may avoid the imposition of a degradation/restoration fee if it agrees to perform the required restoration of the public right-of-way to the city's standards. The applicant shall decide at the time of application whether the applicant will perform the required restoration, and the applicant's decision shall be final.


    If the existing roadway pavement section is six inches or less, the disturbed pavement area will be removed and the subgrade will be scarified and recompacted.


    For a full lane width if the cut is in the center third of a driving lane;


    Half the street if the cut is on one-half of a two lane road, or outside the center third of an individual driving lane; or


    A minimum of 26 feet wide if the cut is down the center of the road.


    If the existing roadway pavement section is greater than six inches, the restoration area is as provided in subsection (1) above, together with restoration requirements to rotomil two inches and overlay the restoration limit area.


    In all cases the longitudinal limits of restoration will extend past the street cut by a minimum of ten feet in each direction.


    That portion of any permit fee relating to degradation/restoration costs shall be segregated by the city into an account to cover general street maintenance and construction.

(Ord. No. 18-06, § 1, 4-17-2018)