§ 46-25. Permit application—Permit contents.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An applicant for a permit to allow construction, excavation, or work in the public right-of-way under this article shall:


    File a written application on forms furnished by the city which include the following: The date of application; the name and address of the applicant; the name and address of the developer, contractor or subcontractor licensed to perform work in the public right-of-way; the exact location of the proposed construction, excavation or work activity; the type of existing public infrastructure (street pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks or utilities) impacted by the construction, excavation or work; the purpose of the proposed construction, excavation or work; the dates for beginning and ending the proposed construction, excavation or work; proposed hours of work; itemization of the total cost of restoration, based upon the R.S. Means Estimating Standards or at the discretion of the director, other published street repair cost estimating standards; and type of work proposed.


    Include an affirmative statement that the applicant or its contractor is not delinquent in payments due the city on prior work.


    Attach copies of all permits or licenses (including required insurance, deposits, bonding, and warranties) required to do the proposed work, and to work in the public rights-of-way, if licenses or permits are required under federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. If relevant permits or licenses have been applied for but not yet received, provide a written statement so indicating. Copies of any such permits or licenses shall be provided to the city within 48 hours after receipt.


    Provide a plan of work acceptable to the director showing protection of the subject property and adjacent properties.


    Provide a plan for the protection of existing landscaping acceptable to the director, when the city determines that damage may occur.


    Include a signed statement verifying that all orders issued by the city to the applicant, requiring the applicant to correct deficiencies under previous permits issued under this article, have been satisfied. This verification shall not apply to outstanding claims which are honestly and reasonably disputed by the applicant, if the applicant and the city are negotiating in good faith to resolve the dispute.


    Include with the application engineering construction drawings or site plans for the proposed construction, excavation, or work. Plans shall indicate and include information related to the abandonment of existing utilities or infrastructure.


    Include with the application a traffic control and erosion protection plan for the proposed construction, excavation, or work.


    Include a statement indicating any proposed joint use or ownership of the facility; any known existing facility or permit of the applicant at this location; any known existing facility of others with which the proposed installations might conflict; and the name, address and telephone number of a representative of the applicant available to review proposed locations at the site.


    Pay all fees prescribed by this article.


    Applicants shall update any new information on permit applications within ten days after any material change occurs.


    Joint applications. Applicants may apply jointly for permits to work in public rights-of-way at the same time and place. Applicants who apply jointly for permits may share in the payment of the permit fee. Applicants must agree among themselves as to the portion each shall pay.

(Ord. No. 18-06, § 1, 4-17-2018)