§ 30-232. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All temporary erosion control facilities and all permanent facilities intended to control erosion of any earth disturbance operation shall be installed before any earth disturbance operations take place.


    Any earth disturbances shall be conducted in such a manner as to effectively reduce and resulting sedimentation, and should not exceed the erosion expected to occur for the site in its totally undeveloped state.


    All persons engaged in earth disturbances shall design, implement, and maintain acceptable soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, in conformance with the erosion control technical standards adopted by the city.


    All earth disturbances shall be designed, constructed and completed in such a manner so that the exposed area of any disturbed land shall be limited to the shortest possible period of time.


    Sediment caused by accelerated soil erosion shall be removed from runoff water before it leaves the site of the earth disturbance.


    Any temporary or permanent facility designed and constructed for the conveyance of water around, through, or from the earth disturbance area shall be designed to limit the water flow to a nonerosive velocity.


    Temporary soil erosion control facilities shall be removed and earth disturbance areas graded and stabilized with permanent soil erosion control measures pursuant to standards and specifications prescribed in accordance with the provisions of the "Erosion and Sediment Control for Construction Activities" and in accordance with the permanent erosion control features shown on the soil stabilization plan approved by the city.


    Permanent soil erosion control measures for all slopes, channels, ditches, or any other disturbed land area shall be completed within 14 calendar days after final grading of the final earth disturbance has been completed. When it is not possible to permanently stabilize a disturbed area after as earth disturbance has been completed or where significant earth disturbance activity ceases, temporary soil erosion control measures shall be implemented within 14 calendar days. All temporary soil erosion control measures shall be maintained until permanent soil erosion control measures are implemented.


    Implement stormwater BMPs to minimize soil erosion, sedimentation, increased pollutant loads, and changed water flow characteristics resulting from land disturbing activity, to the maximum extent practicable, so as to minimize pollution of receiving waters.


    Complying with all federal, state and local regulations.

(Ord. No. 12-12, § 18, 11-20-2012)