§ 30-227. Construction stormwater management plan (SWMP).  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Preparation of SWMP. A SWMP shall accompany any grading permit required by section 30-226. The SWMP shall be prepared in accordance with the engineering, hydrologic and pollution control practices outlined in Urban Drainage and Flood Control District's "Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual Volume 3."


    SWMP required on-site. The owner or its representative will be required to have the approved SWMP on site at all times and shall be prepared to respond to maintenance of specific BMPs.


    Inspection of BMPs. The owner or their representative shall inspect all BMPs at least every seven days. Inspections of BMPs shall be conducted by an individual who has successfully completed formal training in erosion and sediment control by a recognized organization acceptable to the director. A certification of successful completion of such training shall be provided upon request.


    Installation of BMPs. The owner or their representative shall ensure erosion, sediment and waste control BMPs are implemented throughout all stages of construction until final stabilization.


    Maintenance of BMPs. BMPs shall be continuously maintained in operating conditions and repaired immediately when damaged.


    Minor modifications to SWMP. Based on inspections performed by the owner or by city personnel, minor modifications to the SWMP will be necessary if at any time the specified BMPs do not meet the objectives of this article or equivalent or better BMPs are implemented. All minor modifications shall be implemented immediately and recorded on the owner's copy of the SWMP which shall be located on site at all times. The modified SWMP shall be made available to city personnel during inspections.


    Major modifications to SWMP. Whenever there is a significant change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which has a significant effect on the hydrology or potential for discharge of pollutants to the MS4 or receiving waters, a revised SWMP shall be submitted to the city for review and approval.


    Records of inspection. Records of inspection are to be maintained with the SWMP and are to be available to the city inspector upon request.

(Ord. No. 11-04, § 1, 5-3-2011; Ord. No. 12-12, § 11, 11-20-2012; Ord. No. 18-04, § 6, 4-3-2018)