§ 30-226.1. Denial of permit.  

Latest version.
  • A grading permit shall not be issued where:


    The proposed work would cause hazards to the public safety and welfare;


    The work as proposed by the applicant will damage any public or private property or interfere with any existing drainage course in such a manner as to cause damage to any adjacent property or result in the deposition of debris or sediment on any public way or into any waterway or create an unreasonable hazard to persons or property;


    The land area for which grading is proposed is subject to geological hazard to the extent that no reasonable amount of corrective work can eliminate or sufficiently reduce settlement, slope instability, or any other such hazard to persons or property; or


    The land area on which the grading is proposed may lie within the designated floodplain of any stream or water course (not specifically designated by the city as an area subject to flood hazard), unless a hydrologic report, prepared by a professional engineer, is submitted to certify that the proposed grading will have, in his professional opinion, no detrimental influence on the public welfare or upon the total development of the watershed and is also consistent with Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations.

(Ord. No. 12-12, § 9, 11-20-2012)