§ 30-222. Threatened discharges.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It is unlawful to cause materials to be deposited in such a manner or location as to constitute a threatened discharge into MS4 or waters of the state. Pollutants that are no longer contained in a pipe, tank or other container are considered to be threatened discharges unless they are actively being cleaned up.


    Cleaning of paved surfaces required. The owner of any paved parking lot, street or drive shall clean the pavement as necessary to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, an illicit discharge of pollutants. Paved surfaces shall be cleaned by dry sweeping, wet vacuum sweeping, collection and treatment of wash water or other methods in compliance with this article.


    Materials storage. Materials including, but not limited to, stockpiles used in construction and landscaping activities shall be stored to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, the release of pollutants.


    Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer recommendations and applicable laws. Pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers shall be stored in a manner to prevent release to the MS4.

(Ord. No. 11-04, § 1, 5-3-2011)